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Full stack developer program

Full stack developer program

Dive into the world of programming with our beginner-friendly JavaScript course tailored for high school students.
Course Duration: 25-30hrs

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is meticulously designed to introduce the fundamentals of programming through the lens of JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. By embarking on this journey, students will not only grasp core programming concepts but also venture into basic web development, applying their skills to solve real-world challenges.


  • No prior programming experience required.
  • Access to a computer with internet connectivity.
  • Basic tools: a text editor like Visual Studio Code and a modern web browser.

Course Outline

Introduction to Programming

  • Discover what programming is and its significance in today’s tech-driven world.
  • Execute your first JavaScript program and experience the magic of coding.

Control Structures

  • Learn to use loop control statements for efficient coding.
  • Explore the power of while and for loops for repetitive tasks
  • Navigate through conditional statements and logical operators to make decisions in your code. Loops.


  • Manipulate arrays and iterate over them to handle collections of data.

Introduction to Web Development with JavaScript

  • Get acquainted with HTML and the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Manipulate DOM elements and handle user events to create interactive web pages.

Advanced Topics (Optional)

  • Peek into the world of JavaScript libraries, asynchronous programming, and debugging techniques for those who wish to go beyond the basics.

Basics of JavaScript

  • Unravel the syntax and data types unique to JavaScript.
  • Master variables, assignments, and the art of writing useful comments.


  • Understand the essence of functions for modular and reusable code.
  • Delve into function parameters and return values to enhance your programming toolkit.


  • Dive into objects and key-value pairs for organized data management.
  • Experiment with object properties and methods for dynamic coding.


  • Collaborate on a group project to build a simple yet interactive web page, applying all the JavaScript concepts learned.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand programming fundamentals using JavaScript.
  • Write, debug, and troubleshoot JavaScript code effectively.
  • Employ variables, loops, and functions to solve programming puzzles.
  • Utilize JavaScript for basic web development projects.
  • Work collaboratively on a web development project, putting newly learned skills into practice Arrays, Objects, and Web Development
  • Further explore JavaScript with arrays, objects, and an introduction to web development, equipping students with skills to create interactive web experiences.

Learning Outcomes

This course lays a robust foundation in JavaScript programming, nurturing logical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. It opens a gateway to numerous career opportunities in web development, software engineering, and beyond, preparing students for a future in the evolving digital landscape.